Dear Potential Birthparent(s)

Dear Friends,

We want to thank you for considering us as adoptive parents to your unborn child(ren). We appreciate and admire you for your strength of character, as we know this must be a difficult journey.

In 2008, we were blessed through the miracle of adoption with our son, Christian. Then in 2010, we were blessed again to be chosen to adopt our daughter, Emma. Words cannot express our deep love, respect and appreciation of their birth mothers.  Our adoption experiences have helped us to deepen our understanding of the great love that you have for your child(ren). We are grateful for your love and sacrifice & believe it will continue to enrich your child(ren) throughout this life and the next. It would be a great blessing for us to add to that love and be entrusted to raise and nurture beautiful children for the rest of eternity.

Our home will be a sanctuary to escape the stresses that life brings. As parents of two happy, curious, on-the-go young children, we understand the importance of spending time with family: teaching, playing, and showing each other love. As a family, we love the outdoors, playing games, going for walks, watching movies, exercising, and reading.

We are excited to welcome more children to our family through adoption. Our children, Christian and Emma are also looking forward to expanding our family and to have the opportunity to take care of younger siblings. They are both very kind, loving children that have the natural inclination to take care of & protect those younger than them. 

We pray that Heavenly Father & angels will guide you in your decision and that you will find peace and comfort in knowing that your child(ren) will be loved, cared for & provided many opportunities as their adopted parents, to live well rounded and enriching their lives. We look forward to hearing from you.

With much love,

Cory, Rebecca, Christian & Emma

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